How to build trust

TrustThis is a question some people spend a lot of time thinking about.

Yesterday a friend of mine said she finds trust from going out and having drinks with her friends. I understand what she was saying but I also think it missed the point.

In today’s age, it’s harder than ever to gain people’s trust.  And having a drink or two isn’t going to solve the trust problem.

As I’ve seen it, we don’t trust people just because of a few fun nights out in the city or because of an assignment we finished together. Instead, we trust them because they showed up for us.

We trust people because who showed up when it wasn’t convenient.  We trust people who helped us with an exam or project that we don’t think we would have passed without their support. We trust people who decided to tell us the truth even when they could have gotten away without saying anything. We trust people who don’t tell little white lies  even when they could have easily gotten away with it.  And we trust people who kept helping out on a project at work, even when everyone else already quit.

In today’s age it’s easier than ever to take the convenient route. And it’s harder than ever to find people you can really trust. When you find them, you should do everything you can to keep them.

Sunday, August 25th, 2013 Leadership

5 Comments to How to build trust

Jasmine Chan
August 25, 2013

Yeap! Trust is a gold question. ^_^Love your blog

[…] filled his blog with advice about how to be a stronger person who doesn’t run from pain and how to make deeper connections with friends and even strangers. He asked readers to think about venturing out of well-established, safe career paths and into more […]

August 31, 2013

We trust people because who showed up when it wasn’t convenient.

So true!

Jeremy C Wilson
September 1, 2013

Thanks for the comments folks!

Luc Boivin
September 3, 2013

The post caught my attention as it happens to be the core of my family life.

Growing up in an environment of chaos didn’t provide many examples of how to build trust. My wife being a PreSchool teacher exudes trust, as do my 8 & 12 yr old daughter & son.

I’m learning that being trustworthy requires daily investments in demonstrating a clear ability to follow through, creating stability, and doing exactly what I promise.

It also requires me to recognize what is expected of me in new relationships. Because I do not naturally enjoy repeating the same process over and over, I will never reach my full potential in a relationship that forces me to follow a rigid structured path.

For me, I rely on my Core Vision being the best guide to what I invest my time & other resources in. At 43, I’ve overcome tremendous adversity. My opportunity is to teach what I know and be open to my steps being ordered in life. Helping others find Sustainability has become a consuming passion that keeps me fueled, motivated, and building trust.

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Jeremy C Wilson is a JD-MBA alumni using his site to share information on education, the social enterprise revolution, entrepreneurship, and doing things differently. Feel free to send along questions or comments as you read.


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