If you only saw what I see
You would know it was obvious. You would change your mind and buy in to the plan today.
It’s what Barack Obama is telling the nation about his vision for change and about the hundreds of hours he’s been spending on policy revisions. He’s been spending the past year trying to show the world before November 6, 2012.
It’s also what entrepreneurs tell funders about the game changing idea that can disrupt an entire industry if they can just garner support.
It’s what CEOs tell their teams a year before the next big product comes out, when nobody understands why he’s changing his plan in the middle of the year.
It’s what great nonprofit leaders tell their constituents. About the millions of lives they are going to impact three years from now.
It’s what a good MBA applicant sees, when she spends hours and hours on her essays, trying to show the school why she’s the perfect fit.
And it’s what a guy tells the girl he sees a future with, even though she might not know how it could possibly work out.
“If you only saw what I see.”
Often times you think that these people are just trying to convince you. But that’s not always true. They are trying to show you what they see. To stop and look for just one second.
Its hard to show you because what they see is a little bit further out there.  But the great ones will try until they figure out how to get you there.
Think Barack Obama in 2008 when nobody thought he stood a chance. Steve Jobs who proposed a new design for the MAC computer after being fired from Apple years before. Wendy Kopp who proposed Teach For America in her undergrad thesis all the way back in 1989. Sal Khan who posted YouTube videos of school lessons for years before getting a single bit of recognition for it.
If we only saw what they saw.
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