Archive for June 3rd, 2012

Studying for the Bar Exam

You start out with a lot of energy. You go to every class, read every page, and do every assigned problem before class. And all of a sudden, after the 1st week, you feel like you are making huge strides toward your goal.  You’re excited and motivated. Only 7 more weeks until the end. But then all of a sudden it happens ….

Then you hit the wall. You get bored. The material gets more dense.  The reading seems longer.  And all of a sudden, things get a little tougher.

At this point you have to start doing the work. You can’t just get by going to class. Now, you have to do practice problems. You have to write sample essays. And you have to read supplements, all while its 85 degrees outside and while your MBA friends are planning trips, weddings and vacations.

You tell yourself just a few more weeks of this. And that at 5pm, you’ll be done for the day. But you come to find that progress is slow and you need to allocate more time.

At this point, a lot of people want to give up, you want to hang outside with friends. But you see the future beyond the bar. Six figure salary, a job at the firm you pursued the past two years. And paying down that lingering debt.  So you keep working.

Fortunately, one day soon, everything clicks. You get in the groove of studying. And then you can see it.  You’ll be amongst the few who not only graduated from one of the best schools in the world, but who also passed the bar, and can legally practice law in your state.

And when you look back, you’ll say that the time you spent studying was worth it. The trick, is to figure out how to feel that way now.

Sunday, June 3rd, 2012 Business School No Comments

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Jeremy C Wilson is a JD-MBA alumni using his site to share information on education, the social enterprise revolution, entrepreneurship, and doing things differently. Feel free to send along questions or comments as you read.


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