Archive for January 19th, 2012
Out on the Ledge
Today, most of my classmates are spending a lot of time thinking about recruiting. What industry they want to work in. What roles they want to have. And how much money they need to make after graduation. So they pursue roles at consulting firms, banks and companies who market products well. Â And I get why they do it. These jobs not only pay well, but they also set you up to have a pretty great career afterward. But in today’s age I don’t think that’s the right mindset for everyone. Instead, I propose the idea that in 2012, for some it’s time to go out on the ledge.
Today more than ever before, it’s the time to walk out on the ledge. Â No, not there. Go further. Take one more step.
It’s time to go where it’s risky and where the big falls are. Because where there’s more risk, there’s more reward. That’s why the entrepreneurs go there. They go as far out as possible, even when there’s limited space. And they suppress their fear falling.
I propose that 2012 is the year of the ledge, not just for entrepreneurs but for more of us. Â You could see it shaping for the past year. The Occupy Movements. Viral Internet campaigns like It Gets Better Project. And now policy movements like SOPA. You can see people taking a stand about what’s important and going to the edge to make something happen.
Today, more than ever before, the world needs you to go further out. To take a stand. And to risk falling to do something great.
Today, very few people do it, but tomorrow I guarantee you it will catch on. And soon the edge will no longer be the edge because a lot of us will be out there. So it will be common ground again.  When that happens, we’ll all have to go out further to the new edge.  And soon, we’ll all pause and glance back together, and we’ll see how far we’ve come.
So what are you waiting for? Go.