Archive for September 19th, 2011

Welcome Back to Campus

Many of us never thought we’d admit it, but it sure is great to be back on campus in Evanston again. Even though me and many of my classmates didn’t actually leave Evanston this summer, we sure did feel like we were miles and miles away.  We spent the majority of our working day in downtown Chicago, we didn’t see classmates nearly as much as we  wanted to. And not only did we have to work straight through most of the day but some of us also had to pull late nighters for work as well.  Fortunately, those days are over, and today we begin our journey at Kellogg once again.

The are a few very obvious reasons why Evanston was very different over the summer.  First, was because of everyone’s return back to the professional world. Even though many of us couldn’t wait to get back to work and make money again, the return was a nice reminder of how good we have it in graduate school and especially business school. No performance reviews. No “hard” deadlines every day.  No chance of getting fired.  And the ability to go to the gym or hang out at any time during the day. On the other hand, at work during the summer, we had to work for ten straight weeks. Most of us had at least two reviews over the summer.  And some people worked more time than they’ve ever worked before. In fact, one classmates told me that he worked all but five days this summer; and that included weekends.

Secondly, many of us also didn’t get a chance to see our classmates as much as we wanted to. Without all of their energy, Chicago felt like an entirely different place.  Park Evanston, for example, had more undergrads than I’d ever seen, many of which were here just for the summer. Likewise, the local Whole Foods had far less students than I was used to. During the school year, at every turn, we run into classmates, but in the summer, that just didn’t happen as much. The same thing is true of the gym.

So coming back to campus feels great. It means there is a lot more people and energy here again. And not just because of my class but also because the class of 2013 is also here, starting last week with their first week of class, first final exam (pre-term), and first TG.  And now, Evanston is jam packed with students, many with nervous excitement because of the first year or because of the upcoming recruiting schedule. And many also nervous about their first class ever today.

Going forward, hopefully I’ll be able to capture some of this excitement. Discuss recruiting and how the environment shapes up.  Describe events, not only on campus but also in Chicago.  And as always answer questions about admissions, careers, and recruiting that are relevant to my readers.   Hopefully you’ll continue reading along the way!

Monday, September 19th, 2011 Business School 3 Comments

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Jeremy C Wilson is a JD-MBA alumni using his site to share information on education, the social enterprise revolution, entrepreneurship, and doing things differently. Feel free to send along questions or comments as you read.


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