The Top 10 Blog Posts of 2010

Although I think a lot more about quality than quantity on my website, I do pay attention to what my readers are paying attention to. Not only do I keep up with trends in reader comments, the emails that come in behind the scenes, and the topics that spur conversations with friends, but I also count the number of hits that posts get. While it’s not the perfect measure, it is the easiest and the most tangible way to see what people are paying attention to. To that end, here below are 10 most popular posts of 2010, as measured by “hits”. I look forward to continuing to write about things you find interesting in 2011.

  1. 2010 Law School Rankings: National Law Journal’s Go-to Schools
    2010 Law School Rankings based on number of placements at top law firms in the US
  2. Korean Popstar In My Section And Diversity At Northwestern
    Post about a Korean pop star that was in my section at Northwestern Law School
  3. 2010 Princeton Review Law School Rankings
    2010 Law School Rankings by Princeton Review
  4. Applicant Question: Playing the MBA Wait-List Game
    My response to an applicant question about being waitlisted for an MBA program
  5. Careers Question: Undergraduate Major and Path To CEO
    My response to a question from an undergraduate student about what to major in at college
  6. Northwestern JD-MBA Class of 2012 Profile
    A quick profile of the Northwestern JD-MBA Class of 2012
  7. US News MBA Rankings and Law School Rankings
    2010 Business School and Law School Rankings by US News
  8. Applicant Question: Asking for an MBA Recommendation Letter?
    My response to a reader’s question about letters of recommendation for MBA programs
  9. My Thoughts on Day At Kellogg (DAK), Round 1, Class of 2012
    Reflecting about my experience at Day at Kellogg (DAK) last year during the first round
  10. Good Article: College Majors of Top CEOs
    My thoughts on college majors and an article about what CEOs have majored in

A couple of notes on the top posts. First, is that the real #1, #2, and #5 posts are my Homepage, the Archives, and About my Blog respectively.  I have not listed those in the rankings above. Second, is that some posts have the advantage of being on the net longer than others. In general, the advantage is not as large as it sounds, as posts generally see their most hits in the first couple of weeks of being posted. However, posts from December are likely at  distinct disadvantage. And finally, keep in mind that these aren’t my opinions about which posts are good. Instead it’s the actual rankings based on hits by the readers. In the next week, I’ll also share a few of the posts I think are must reads.  Stay tuned to see which ones they are.

Happy New Year everyone!

Friday, December 31st, 2010 Business School, Law School

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Jeremy C Wilson is a JD-MBA alumni using his site to share information on education, the social enterprise revolution, entrepreneurship, and doing things differently. Feel free to send along questions or comments as you read.


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