Archive for December 18th, 2010

Merger Article: Halloween Week At Kellogg

Hi everyone, it’s been a few days since my last post. That’s because the past few weeks at Kellogg have been pretty hectic. With two weeks before the end of the quarter, Kellogg recruiting events picked up pretty significantly.  The week after that, classes ended. After that, we had final exams. Then this past week, nearly 800 Kellogg students headed out to Aspen for the Kellogg Skip Trip. And in between, we still had to attend classes, take part in any student activities we might be involved in, and continue to go to recruiting events.

Throughout this process a lot of interesting things have taken place at Kellogg. I’ve got a few articles I’m currently writing. But in the meantime, I thought I’d post a copy of the last article I wrote for the Merger, Kellogg’s on campus newspaper. The topic of the article is Halloween week at Kellogg, and it discusses a few things that took place at Kellogg this fall.

See below for the article:

Halloween Week at Kellogg

By: Jeremy Wilson

Poets 2012

Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays. Every year, people dress up in ridiculous costumes and take part in the most ridiculous activities, no matter how old they are.  Well, as it turns out, so do just about all of my Kellogg classmates.

My Kellogg classmates celebrated Halloween Week in style, not that anyone on the planet would expect anything less from Kellogg’s festive student body, especially in a college town like Evanston.

One celebratory event included Hoot for the Homeless hosted by the MMM students at everyone’s favorite local hangout spot, the Keg.  At no surprise to Kellogg students, the event offered an open bar, a number of provocative costumes and some pole dancing as the Rocket Pockets and Captains of Industry provided musical entertainment. And despite the fact that it was midterm week, the Keg was packed from wall to wall with first and second year MBAs, not to mention with a couple of the Medill students that always manage to sneak their way into Kellogg events.

Meanwhile, Drag TG fell on that Friday and students came out after finishing their first set of midterms at Kellogg.  In addition to the stampedes to the beer corners from students anxious to kick off the weekend, TG also offered a drag dance competition where teams from just about every section squared off.  The team of 1Ys put on a show, as did the Highlanders, and the Poets. But in the end, the first place trophy went to the JD-MBA team, mostly because of the one man dancing machine known as JW Victor (note: he also brought victory to the Jive Turkeys during CIM Showcase).

A third pre-Halloween celebration came just a few hours after Drag TG, as my two roommates and I hosted one of the bigger bashes of the school year in our Park Evanston apartment.  The place was packed with students, leftover candy we literally stole from children at TG and, again, more interesting costumes. Whether it was the Shermanator dressed up in green tights as Peter Pan, Jon Greer as a clown, Jeff Zens as the Jolly Green Giant, Diana Ricketti as a police woman or even Dan Balcauski as his Facebook Page on which people were able to handwrite comments, poke and “like” posts, the first years never ceased to amaze. And who could forget Bridget Mollner dressed up in a white Cleopatra costume – well, until one of her ‘nameless’ classmates spilled a full cup of red jungle juice on it. Whoops!

Either way, everyone had a pretty good time and once again made our way to the Keg afterward, where we ran into another group of classmates. And for those of us who survived the shenanigans on Friday, we headed downtown to Chicago the following night. Wicker Park and Lincoln Park were two of the most popular venues, where the dancing continued and new costumes emerged.

Looking back, Halloween Week was definitely one of the highlights of the first quarter.  But if you thought Halloween Week was good, just wait until another week until those crazy costume parties at Ski Trip take place.  While the venues and costumes may change, I think students will be celebrating in style just like we did in October.

Something tells me that there is going to be a lot more “tricking and treating” going down in Aspen than many of us at Kellogg have seen so far.

Saturday, December 18th, 2010 Business School No Comments

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Jeremy C Wilson is a JD-MBA alumni using his site to share information on education, the social enterprise revolution, entrepreneurship, and doing things differently. Feel free to send along questions or comments as you read.


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