Archive for August 29th, 2010

Kellogg Orientation Starts Tomorrow for the Class Of 2012

There are a lot of theories out there about how to get off to a good start, whether starting at a new job, joining a new organization, or beginning in a new graduate school program.  A lot of these theories focus on finding the right information to succeed. Others talk about being part of the right network and knowing the right people. And another set of theories talk more subjectively about understanding and navigating the culture effectively. Well whatever the right approach is, it is going to be important tomorrow.  Because tomorrow marks the first day of orientation at Kellogg for the class of 2012.

Fortunately, I’ve gotten to know Kellogg and a lot of the students pretty well, so I suspect that I’ll have a nice and easy transition. Similarly, as a JD-MBA I’ve already been in the school mode for the past year, so getting in the habit of doing work again shouldn’t be too difficult. Instead, it should be a nice change after being in the highly demanding academic environment of law school for the past year.

In fact, just yesterday I was thinking about my first day at law school last year, which was preceded by my first day of orientation. I remember them pretty distinctly, namely because the work ended up being pretty rigorous, the exams were difficult, and competition felt more fierce.  But despite that, I enjoyed the year quite a bit, and I enjoyed writing about the experience.

Like last year, I look forward to writing about my experience here at Kellogg, and in fact, I even plan to pick up the pace a little by posting more often.  At the same time, I also plan to keep answering questions from my readers. I also look forward to uncovering answers to some of my own questions here at Kellogg.

Some of the questions on my mind now are things like will the class of 2012 be diverse? Who will be Outliers and other interesting people in my section? How will the networking process at Kellogg compare to the law school? And will the students’ motivations at Kellogg will be similar to those in law school? I’m also wondering how some of the conferences I went to last year will go this year. (See my post on the 2009 NBMBAA conference) I look forward to uncovering many of the answers as I go through the year.

In the process, I plan to discuss this information in addition to sharing information about Kellogg and the JD-MBA program. As part of that I’ll also be discuss various career alternatives here at Kellogg,  discuss leadership experiences both professionally and personally, and then relate that back to the state of our workforce, which in my view is one of the most important issues of our time.

In the meantime, feel free to send me your comments and questions. I also strongly encourage you to post as many comments as you like here on the site.

Stay tuned!

Sunday, August 29th, 2010 Business School 1 Comment

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Jeremy C Wilson is a JD-MBA alumni using his site to share information on education, the social enterprise revolution, entrepreneurship, and doing things differently. Feel free to send along questions or comments as you read.


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