Kellogg Preview Weekend

Hi everyone, I wanted to quickly pass along the information for the Kellogg Preview Weekend. Kellogg Preview is a minority prospective weekend for this year’s Kellogg applicants. I went last year, and it was a lot of fun. It was a great chance to mingle with lots of potential Kellogg students, many who actually ended up at Kellogg. It was also a great chance to see firsthand what it would be like to be a student at both Kellogg and the JD-MBA program. And it was also a good time to do your interview on campus with an admissions staff member.

I plan to be stop by the event this year, so I hope to see some of you there. Keep in mind that if you do end up at Kellogg next year, we’ll be classmates because I’m spending my time at the law school this year and will start at Kellogg in 2010.

See below for official info on our event. If you are considering going, then I suggest you consider signing up soon because last year the event filled up. Also, note that although the event targets a specific audience, it is open to all prospective students.

Below is the official Kellogg blurb on the event. Feel free to use my comment box to ask any questions about the event.


Kellogg Preview: Minority Prospective Student Weekend – November 13-14, 2009

The admissions office along with the Africa Business Club, Black Management Association and Hispanic Business Student Association are excited to once again host this annual event. Over this two day event, participants will enjoy mock classes with Professor Harry Kraemer and Professor Steve Rogers and connect with an assigned KPW Buddy while interacting with students from the larger Kellogg community.

To register for these and our off-campus events, visit our website.

We look forward to meeting you soon!

Saturday, October 3rd, 2009 Admissions, Business School, Diversity

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4 Comments to Kellogg Preview Weekend

October 24, 2009


I am very interested in applying to Kellogg's MBA program and will be attending the Preview Weekend next month. I was looking over the agenda for the weekend and it looks really fun, I am especially looking forward to the mock classes and social events. I was wondering were you able to attend the reception that is held on Saturday night last year when you went? If you did what were your impressions of the reception? Also, hopefully I will run into you on campus during that weekend that would be cool! Thanks!!

October 24, 2009

@smmclean21–Thanks for the message about KPW. Deena and the Kellogg team have been working really hard to ensure it's a wonderful event just like last year. Last year's mock class with professor Rodgers was exceptional, so I have high expectations for this year's as well. Last year's social event was also lot of fun. If you're in town, you should definitely plan to go. For me, these sort of events always seem to be great to chance to meet lots of other applicants and students, which is pretty big if you end up coming to Kellogg next year.

Please keep an eye out for me when you're here and definitely come say hello.


[…] here to invite you to apply to an event at Kellogg this November. Similar to the event last year (click here for my post on last year’s session), Kellogg will be hosting Kellogg Preview again this year, […]

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